Adselle Refund and Return Policy

Effective date: June 27, 2024

Thank you for shopping on Adselle! We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. This policy outlines the guidelines for returns and refunds.

Seller Responsibility

Please note that all refunds and returns are handled directly by the sellers on our platform. We encourage you to contact the seller you purchased from for any issues related to your order.

Return and Refund Coverage

We offer returns and refunds for most new, unworn, and unopened items within 7 days of your purchase date.

Valid Reasons for Return and Refund

  • Damaged or Faulty Item: If the item arrives damaged or faulty upon delivery, you are eligible for a full refund.
  • Wrong Item Received: If you receive an item that is different from what you ordered, you are eligible for a full refund.
  • Expired Item: If you receive an item that is expired, you are eligible for a full refund.
  • Counterfeit Item: If you receive a counterfeit item, you are eligible for a full refund. Please note: We may require proof such as a photo comparison of the fake and original product.
  • Not as Advertised: If the item is significantly different from the description on the seller’s page, you are eligible for a full refund.
  • Missing Freebie/Accessory: If an advertised freebie or accessory is missing from your order, you are eligible for a partial refund or a replacement for the missing item.
  • Missing Item: If an item from your order is missing, you are eligible for a full refund for the missing item.
  • Incomplete Delivery: If your order arrives incomplete (missing some items), you are eligible for a partial refund for the missing items or a reshipment of the missing items.

Required Proof for Certain Returns

In some cases, we may require proof to process your return request. This may include:

  • Photo of the damaged packaging (for damaged items)
  • Video of the unboxing process (for missing items or wrong items received)
  • Photo or video of the product damage (for damaged items)
  • Photo comparison of fake and original product (for counterfeit items)

Invalid Reasons for Return

  • Change of mind: We do not accept returns for unwanted items or change of mind.
  • Disappointment with the item: We recommend thoroughly reviewing product descriptions and seller reviews before making a purchase.

Refund Timeframe

The refund timeframe depends on your original payment method:

  • Credit card: Refunds will typically be reflected in your account within 3-5 business days of processing your return.
  • Debit card: Refunds may take 3-10 business days to appear in your account.
  • Bank transfer: Refunds via bank transfer may take up to 40 business days.

Returning an Item

  • Contact the Seller: Please initiate the return process directly with the seller.
  • Seller Response: The seller will review your return request and provide instructions on how to return the item. You may be asked to provide proof of the return reason (photos, videos etc.).
  • Return Shipping: In most cases, the seller will be responsible for covering the return shipping costs for valid return reasons.
  • Return Processing: Once the seller receives the returned item and confirms its condition, they will initiate your refund according to the timeframe mentioned above.

Dispute Resolution

If you’re unable to reach an agreement with the seller regarding your return or refund, we recommend visiting our Dispute Resolution Page for a detailed explanation of the process and your options.

Our support team is also available to assist you if needed. You can contact them at”

Changes to this Policy

We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time.

Contact Us

For any questions regarding our return and refund policy, please contact Adselle at

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